Your Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego

Free Evaluation | Call (877) 524-2889

Penal Code 273.5

Domestic Violence laws in San Diego California have become increasingly more severe over the last twenty years, hence why you need the professional Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego. The prosecutor offices are funded by special interest groups that place a lot of pressure on law enforcement and prosecutors to charge and prosecute people alleged to have committed domestic violence.

Prosecutors routinely seek convictions in cases with very little evidence and without the cooperation of the alleged victim. This has resulted in enormous numbers of wrongful convictions and destroyed lives. A domestic violence conviction can cost you your job, military career, custody of your children, and even your freedom. Don’t hesitate on protecting your freedom, learn how our Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego can help you with your case.


Domestic Violence Attorney San Diego

Professional Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego

Free Case Evaluation | Call (877) 524-2889


Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego

The MCD law firm will make it our priority to level the playing field with the police and prosecutors in domestic violence cases.

Our Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego will start fighting these cases early and collect evidence of our clients’ innocence which often results in the rejection or dismissal of criminal charges. Our domestic violence lawyers employ only the most experienced attorneys, professional investigators, and experts on our domestic violence defense teams and that is why our record of success is so exceptional.

If you get charged with a domestic violence crime in the San Diego area, please do not procrastinate, because time is true of the essence in building a strong and successful defense. See why we’ve become the leading Domestic Violence Attorney people have come to trust.

If you need an experienced domestic violence attorney in San Diego Please call (877) 524-2889 Today or schedule a free confidential case evaluation online.


Domestic Violence Attorney San Diego

Need a Professional Domestic Violence Attorney in San Diego?

MCD Law Firm | Call (877) 524-2889


Charges Related To Domestic Violence

Child Abuse Law
Child Endangerment
Corporal Injury To A Child
Corporal Injury On A Spouse
Criminal Threat
Domestic Violence Battery
Elder Abuse
Inflicting Corporal Injury


Domestic Violence Attorney San Diego

We Can Help Protect Your Freedom

Free Case Evaluation | Call (877) 524-2889



At My Criminal Defense, Criminal Defense Attorney Stephen R. Brodsky and his team of San Diego based attorneys,  licensed professional investigators and experts provide a full range of criminal defense and administrative legal services to San Diego County and Southern California residents.  For the last 25 years, the legal team has created and implemented successful defense strategies in misdemeanor and felony cases in the state and federal court systems in Southern California


Theft and fraud (including petty theft, grand theft, shoplifting, embezzlement, credit card fraud, worker’s compensation fraud, insurance fraud, medical and welfare fraud, automobile theft, residential burglary and commercial burglary, elder financial abuse, child financial exploitation, robbery)

Assault & battery (including assault & battery crimes resulting in death or serious bodily injury)

Other violent crimes (including arson, kidnapping, robbery, mayhem, torture, gang violence)

Domestic Violence (including domestic violence battery, Injury to spouse or significant other, false            imprisonment, kidnapping, stalking, annoying or harassing phone calls, child abuse and endangerment, elder abuse and restraining order violations)

Sex Crimes (including rape, child molestation/sex abuse/ lewd acts, indecent exposure, prostitution, Failure to register as sex offender, child pornography, internet sex crimes)

Juvenile Crimes

Driving Crimes (including hit and run, reckless evasion of police pursuit, driving on suspended license, vehicular homicide)

DUI’s & Drunk Driving (including felony injury, felony multiple DUI priors, DUI causing death, DUI drugs)

Federal Crimes (including narcotics conspiracy, marijuana smuggling, drug smuggling, cocaine smuggling, methamphetamine smuggling, alien smuggling, immigration crimes, bank robbery, interstate kidnapping, extortion, child pornography, human sex trafficking, homicides and weapons offenses)

Military (including courts-martial, administrative separation, disability claims, pretrial military diversion, civilian criminal record rehabilitation)

Probation Violations

Bail, jail & O.R. (own recognizance) Releases




Let An Experienced Former Navy Jag Officer Specializing In Domestic Violence Cases help you aggressively defend your rights.